Beauty wipes, makeup remover wipes, cleansing cloths, facial wipes… they have a few names but the idea is all the same.  These wipes are designed to clean your face sans the sink and water.  Nearly every brand is offering a cleansing wipe.  I discovered that many of the inexpensive drug store brands are made overseas.  However, looking among prestige brands, I found that many makeup remover wipes are made in the USA. 

For a busy day or during travel, facial wipes are handy.  I would not ditch the traditional cleanser in lieu of the wipes but skipping a night here or there won't be a disaster when you have these on hand.  Place a package on your night table for evenings you collapse into bed.  Did you know that each night you sleep with your makeup on accelerates the aging process?!

Our favorite American-made makeup remover wipes:

With the popularity of the makeup removing wipes, companies have offered more of a variety instead of just basic cleansing cloths.  They have addressed some specific skin care needs and tailored different wipes to accommodate us.

Stash some of these wipes with your beauty supplies for modern day convenience on the go!