I love doing yoga. I wish I did it more often, but I'll admit I don't have a buddy to go with, so I don't make it as often as I want. I typically take advantage of the free yoga options in my area. I'm outside of Washington, DC, so there are multiple locations, both indoors and outside, that offer free classes. Be sure to check for options like this in your community. If you're looking to get into yoga, here are a few yoga tips for beginners to get you started.

Yoga Tips for Beginners

  • Don't worry about what anyone else is doing. Focus on holding the poses the best you can.
  • Use the buddy system when you're starting out. You'll be more motivated to practice. (I should really take my own advice, I know!)
  • Make sure you have comfortable clothing and well-made gear because it will make a difference.
  • Practice at home. There are soooo many easy to follow Yoga lessons available on YouTube.

I highly suggest the Tapas Ultra Mat (it's in the Amazon list below). It might be more expensive, but it's 1/4 thick, instead of the standard 1/8 inch. It really makes a difference! It's made in Georgia.

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